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Preschool Program (September-May)


Discovery Room

2-3 year olds

9 AM-11:30 AM
2-3 days/week
$4020-$5530/year for 2025-2026
(10 payments)*


Art Room

3-4 year olds

9 AM-12 PM
3-4 days/week
$5530-$7040/year for 2025-2026
(10 payments)*


Block Room

4-5 year-olds

9 AM-12 PM
5 days/week
$8140/year for 2025-2026
(10 payments)*

* The first tuition payment is due upon acceptance. Remaining payments are due on the first of each month, August through April. Note: Tuition rates are subject to change from year to year.


ANS's program combines the richness and variety of mixed-age free play with the community and developmental specialization of play for individual age groups.


9:00-10:30 AM: Mixed-Age Free Play

During the first half of the morning, ANS offers a mixed-age environment where all the children interact with each other and freely choose their activities. Observing the more complicated play and social interactions of older children builds confidence in younger children, enhancing their language, informing their social skills, and stretching their intellectual abilities. Mentoring and caring for younger children builds empathy and compassion in older children, allowing them to model what they know and practice teaching others.


10:30 AM-11:30 AM/12 PM: Snack Time and Class Activities

During the second half of the morning, children separate into age-specific classrooms to enjoy snack, circle time, and both child-directed and teacher-directed activities. This time together builds community between children, their peers, and their teachers, and allows for activities that are specific to each age group's developmental abilities and needs.


Lunch Bunch (October-May)

Lunch Bunch

Our afternoon program for older children, Lunch Bunch is open to children who are independent in the bathroom, and whose teachers believe that they are ready. Lunch Bunch is a rewarding time for the children ready for a little more independence, a satisfying time for parents to see their children interact at school in a cozier environment and a valuable time for kids on the brink of kindergarten to transition to longer days at school. The program is a mixed curriculum of art, water play, bike riding and lots of free play! Parents can sign up children for an occasional drop-in day, or for a regular place at Lunch Bunch.

Summer Camp (June)

Summer Camp

Our Summer Program is a great way for everyone to stay in touch, make new friends within a small group setting and enjoy a slower pace during the summer. The children enjoy a fun-filled month of water play, exploratory art, dramatic play, music and plenty of socializing for all! Parents can sign up individually for each of camp's four weeks, choosing a schedule that fits their summer plans.

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789 N. Altadena Dr. Pasadena, CA 91107
(626) 296-1231

License # 198004770

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