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At its heart, a co-op is about community, and the ANS community is a generous and like-minded group of families that support and strengthen each other, brought together by the belief that children deserve respect and care, and that centering cooperation and connection between parents, children, and teachers is the key to creating a supportive and caring place for all to learn and grow.

What Is A Co-Operative Preschool?

  • Like other types of cooperatives, a co-op preschool is owned by its members. 

  • In a cooperative preschool, parents become members upon enrollment.

  • The preschool is managed as a partnership between the parents and a team of professional educators. 

  • The school's Co-Directors and educators are responsible for meeting the educational needs of the children and providing the parents with support and resources. 

  • The Co-Directors and parent Board Members are responsible for meeting the financial and organizational needs of the co-op. 

  • All members of the co-op are required to fulfill specific work and financial commitments.

  • Each cooperative preschool is unique and has its own required number of membership commitments.

  • Some parents may volunteer to work on a committee or special projects, or become Board Members.

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789 N. Altadena Dr. Pasadena, CA 91107
(626) 296-1231

License # 198004770

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